The Rotary Club of Horbury & Ossett Phoenix joined forces with the Emley African Education Project to jointly pay for the construction of a toilet block for KAG School.
President Roger Parkinson told fellow Rotarian Jim Donnan that he wanted his overseas project for 2011-12 to be directed at the KAG School in Mzambweni. Jim and his wife Rosemary, who are the founders of the Emley project discussed this with the leaders of the school and it was agreed that a toilet block was desparately needed.
All of the children at school are taught personal hygiene and together with the provision of clean water, the installation of modern toilets is a massive step forward in the continuing struggle to improve personal and family health and well being.
Rosemary and Jim Donnan show us around the new block.
In 2012/13, the Rotary club of Horbury and Ossett Phoenix, under president Mike Gill, lent further support, and enabled more steps to be taken to improve health and sanitation.
Firstly, piped water was installed to the toilet blocks and to the school for general use, obviating the need for bucketed water from a nearby well, or water collection from the roof. This necessitated the digging of a trench about 300 m long from the main road .Secondly, a large concrete septic tank was built, to which all the toilet facilities have now been connected, a considerable improvement on the